作成者: シリコンバレーベンチャーズ 2020-10-12 最新情報/コラム How can startups raise money from angel investors during the COVID-19 Pandemic? ホーム How can startups raise money from angel investors during the COVID–19 Pandemic? Ten factors to take into account. By Etienne Deffarges, Global Board Member of the Harvard Business School Alumni Angels His talk about the entrepreneurship & innovation at Blackbox …
Read More »Posts Tagged ‘Health Care’
Addressing Harvard Alumni in the Bay Area
HBS CAREER COACHES HIT THE ROAD TO SERVE ALUMNI Northern California Alumni Consider the High Cost of Complexity, HBS AA Article by Margie Kelley (June 2019): Though the United States currently spends approximately $3.5 trillion a year on health care—the equivalent of the entire GDP of the world’s fourth-largest economy—our life expectancy has decreased for the …
Read More »Ending Surprise Medical Bills, and Removing a Stain on U.S. Healthcare
How Will Legislation Ending Surprise Medical Bills Affect U.S. Healthcare Costs? Erasing a stain on our medical system, and reducing costs as well—by how much? On Thursday May 9, I was watching one of the business TV channels to learn about the status of our trade war with China, and the anchor announced …
Read More »Obamacare in the next few years
The Future of the Affordable Care Act: Unscathed by Attacks from the Right, Overtaken on its Left? Having survived years of attacks from Republicans, will the surviving ACA be rendered obsolete by Democrats’ local and state efforts towards universal health care? This could be an ironic twist of fate for Obamacare. Conceived out of the …
Read More »Why ACA Enrollment is Down This Year
Why ACA Enrollment is Down – and Why It Might Stay That Way Enrollment in Obamacare is down this year Enrollment in Obamacare is down this year. Halfway through the sign-up period for ACA health care insurance plans, which ends on December 15, the federal website Healthcare.gov reported early in December that enrollment was down …
Read More »The Midterms and U.S. Health Policy: What Changes?
The Midterms and U.S. Health Policy: What Changes? The Democrats have taken control of the House. And Utah, Nebraska and Idaho have approved Medicaid expansion. What does this portend for U.S. health policy? In a nutshell, four health care developments will take place or are likely to occur within the next two years: Medicaid expansion …
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