Etienne Deffarges: I Am Living Proof Of The American Dream An Interview With Vicky Colas “Perseverance is also a key requirement for any immigrant to America, because of the very lengthy and somewhat bureaucratic process to reach citizen status. There are dozens of hurdles to overcome. None of them is unsurmountable or even very challenging, but …
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“Les Trentes Glorieuses” and the American Dream
August 11, 2020 | Education
“Les Trentes Glorieuses” and The American Dream: A Father – Son Story “Les Trentes Glorieuses” is an expression that refers to the 1945 -1975 period in France following the end of the Second World War. In France as in other European countries such as West Germany, these thirty years were characterized by strong economic …
Read More »When Will We Know If Lifting Coronavirus Lockdowns Is “Working?”
May 10, 2020 | Lockdown
When will we know if lifting lockdowns is “working,” and what would prompt us to fall back into additional lockdowns? In the countries and U.S. states that implemented well crafted “reopening” plans, the scientific and medical criteria that convinced their governments it was safe to lift lockdowns to allow their people to go back …
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