Archive for the ‘Artificial Intelligence’ Category

The Future of Healthcare: Interview Published in Authority Magazine on June 5, 2019

June 14, 2019 | Healthcare

The Future of Healthcare: “We must free medicare to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies” with Etienne Deffarges, serial healthcare entrepreneur Christina D. Warner Jun 5 Cut the cost of drugs. We need to stop protecting our pharmaceutical companies by freeing their largest purchaser, Medicare, to negotiate with them, and allowing lower-cost imports from reputable countries. U.S. Drug …

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The Future of AI in Health Care

March 4, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence

The Future of AI in U.S. Health Care   Artificial Intelligence will help develop new cures, but to solve access and cost issues, we will need new policies at the federal and state government level Billions of dollars are being invested annually in artificial intelligence (AI), by large health care insurers, pharmaceutical companies and venture …

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