Posts Tagged ‘South Korea’

When Will We Know If Lifting Coronavirus Lockdowns Is “Working?”

May 10, 2020 | Lockdown

When will we know if lifting lockdowns is “working,” and what would prompt us to fall back into additional lockdowns?   In the countries and U.S. states that implemented well crafted “reopening” plans, the scientific and medical criteria that convinced their governments it was safe to lift lockdowns to allow their people to go back …

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A Week in March in the U.S. During the Coronavirus Pandemic

March 25, 2020 | Coronavirus

A Week in March During the Coronavirus Pandemic   March 17, 2020: Why “flatten the curve” is a big deal in the Coronavirus crisis   Several recent studies have shown the “infection adoption” curve at the outset of the Coronavirus pandemic to be very similar in China, South Korea, Italy, Spain, France and Germany. Apart …

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